Source code for aimfast.aimfast

import os
import json
import Tigger
import random
import string
import logging
import aimfast
import argparse
import tempfile
import numpy as np

from functools import partial
from collections import OrderedDict

from scipy import stats
from scipy.stats import linregress
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.ndimage import measurements as measure

from bokeh.transform import transform

from bokeh.models.widgets import Div, PreText
from bokeh.models.widgets import DataTable, TableColumn

from bokeh.models import Circle
from bokeh.models import CheckboxGroup, CustomJS
from bokeh.models import HoverTool, LinearAxis, Range1d
from bokeh.models import ColorBar, ColumnDataSource, ColorBar
from bokeh.models import LogColorMapper, LogTicker, LinearColorMapper

from bokeh.layouts import row, column, gridplot, grid
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show, save, ColumnDataSource

from astLib.astWCS import WCS
from astropy.table import Table
from import fits as fitsio

from Tigger.Models import SkyModel, ModelClasses
from Tigger.Coordinates import angular_dist_pos_angle
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score

from aimfast.auxiliary import aegean, bdsf, get_online_catalog
from aimfast.auxiliary import deg2arcsec, deg2arcsec, rad2arcsec
from aimfast.auxiliary import dec2deg, ra2deg, rad2deg, deg2rad, unwrap

# Get version
from pkg_resources import get_distribution
_version = get_distribution('aimfast').version

# Unit multipleirs for plotting
                    'jansky': [1e0, 'Jy'],
                    'milli': [1e3, 'mJy'],
                    'micro': [1e6, u'\u03bcJy'],
                    'nano': [1e9, 'nJy'],

                        'deg': [1e0, 'deg'],
                        'arcmin': [60.0, u'`'],
                        'arcsec': [3600.0, u'``'],

# Backgound color for plots
BG_COLOR = 'rgb(229,229,229)'
# Highlighters
R = '\033[31m'  # red
W = '\033[0m'   # white (normal)
HEADER = '\033[95m'
OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
WARNING = '\033[93m'
FAIL = '\033[91m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
BOLD = '\033[1m'
UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'

# Decimal places

[docs]def create_logger(): """Create a console logger""" log = logging.getLogger(__name__) cfmt = logging.Formatter(('%(name)s - %(asctime)s %(levelname)s - %(message)s')) log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) console = logging.StreamHandler() console.setLevel(logging.INFO) console.setFormatter(cfmt) log.addHandler(console) return log
LOGGER = create_logger()
[docs]def generate_default_config(configfile): "Generate default config file for running source finders" from shutil import copyfile"Getting parameter file: {configfile}") aim_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(aimfast.__file__))) copyfile(f"{aim_path}/aimfast/source_finder.yml", configfile)
[docs]def get_aimfast_data(filename='fidelity_results.json', dir='.'): "Extracts data from the json data file" filepath = f"{dir}/{filename}"'Extracting data from the json data file') with open(filepath) as f: data = json.load(f) return data
[docs]def json_dump(data_dict, filename='fidelity_results.json'): """Dumps the computed dictionary results into a json file. Parameters ---------- data_dict : dict Dictionary with output results to save. filename : str Name of file json file where fidelity results will be dumped. Default is 'fidelity_results.json' in the current directory. Note1 ---- If the fidelity_results.json file exists, it will be append, and only repeated image assessments will be replaced. """"Dumping results into the '{filename}' file") try: # Extract data from the json data file with open(filename) as data_file: data_existing = json.load(data_file) data_existing.update(data_dict) data = data_existing except IOError: data = data_dict if data: with open(filename, 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f)
[docs]def fitsInfo(fitsname=None): """Get fits header info. Parameters ---------- fitsname : fits file Restored image (cube) Returns ------- fitsinfo : dict Dictionary of fits information e.g. {'wcs': wcs, 'ra': ra, 'dec': dec, 'dra': dra, 'ddec': ddec, 'raPix': raPix, 'decPix': decPix, 'b_size': beam_size, 'numPix': numPix, 'centre': centre, 'skyArea': skyArea} """ hdu = hdr = hdu[0].header ra = hdr['CRVAL1'] dra = abs(hdr['CDELT1']) raPix = hdr['CRPIX1'] dec = hdr['CRVAL2'] ddec = abs(hdr['CDELT2']) decPix = hdr['CRPIX2'] wcs = WCS(hdr, mode='pyfits') numPix = hdr['NAXIS1'] try: beam_size = (hdr['BMAJ'], hdr['BMIN'], hdr['BPA']) except: beam_size = None try: centre = (hdr['CRVAL1'], hdr['CRVAL2']) except: centre = None try: freq0=None for i in range(1, hdr['NAXIS']+1): if hdr['CTYPE{0:d}'.format(i)].startswith('FREQ'): freq0 = hdr['CRVAL{0:d}'.format(i)] except: freq0=None skyArea = (numPix * ddec) ** 2 fitsinfo = {'wcs': wcs, 'ra': ra, 'dec': dec, 'dra': dra, 'ddec': ddec, 'raPix': raPix, 'decPix': decPix, 'b_size': beam_size, 'numPix': numPix, 'centre': centre, 'skyArea': skyArea, 'freq0': freq0} return fitsinfo
[docs]def measure_psf(psffile, arcsec_size=20): """Measure point spread function after deconvolution. Parameters ---------- psfile : fits file Point spread function file. arcsec_size : float Cross section size Returns ------- r0 : float Average psf size. """ with as hdu: pp = hdu[0].data.T[:, :, 0, 0] secpix = abs(hdu[0].header['CDELT1'] * 3600) # Get midpoint and size of cross-sections xmid, ymid = measure.maximum_position(pp) sz = int(arcsec_size / secpix) xsec = pp[xmid - sz: xmid + sz, ymid] ysec = pp[xmid, ymid - sz: ymid + sz] def fwhm(tsec): """Determine the full width half maximum""" tmid = len(tsec) / 2.0 # First minima off the peak, and flatten cross-section outside them xmin = measure.minimum_position(tsec[:tmid])[0] tsec[:xmin] = tsec[xmin] xmin = measure.minimum_position(tsec[tmid:])[0] tsec[tmid + xmin:] = tsec[tmid + xmin] if tsec[0] > 0.5 or tsec[-1] > 0.5:"PSF FWHM over {arcsec_size * 2:.2f} arcsec") return arcsec_size, arcsec_size x1 = interp1d(tsec[:tmid], range(tmid))(0.5) x2 = interp1d(1 - tsec[tmid:], range(tmid, len(tsec)))(0.5) return x1, x2 ix0, ix1 = fwhm(xsec) iy0, iy1 = fwhm(ysec) rx, ry = (ix1 - ix0) * secpix, (iy1 - iy0) * secpix r0 = (rx + ry) / 2.0 return r0
[docs]def get_box(wcs, radec, w): """Get box of width w around source coordinates radec. Parameters ---------- radec : tuple RA and DEC in degrees. w : int Width of box. wcs : astLib.astWCS.WCS instance World Coordinate System. Returns ------- box : tuple A box centred at radec. """ raPix, decPix = wcs.wcs2pix(*radec) raPix = int(raPix) decPix = int(decPix) box = (slice(decPix - int(w / 2), decPix + int(w / 2)), slice(raPix - int(w / 2), raPix + int(w / 2))) return box
[docs]def noise_sigma(noise_image): """Determines the noise sigma level in a dirty image with no source Parameters ---------- noise_image : file Noise image (cube). Returns ------- noise_std : float Noise image standard deviation """ # Read the simulated noise image dirty_noise_hdu = # Get the header data unit for the simulated noise dirty_noise_data = dirty_noise_hdu[0].data # Get the noise sigma noise_std = dirty_noise_data.std() return noise_std
def _get_ra_dec_range(area, phase_centre): """Get RA and DEC range from area of observations and phase centre""" ra = phase_centre[0] dec = phase_centre[1] d_ra = np.sqrt(area) / 2.0 d_dec = np.sqrt(area) / 2.0 ra_range = [ra - d_ra, ra + d_ra] dec_range = [dec - d_dec, dec + d_dec] return ra_range, dec_range def _source_angular_dist_pos_angle(src1, src2): """Computes the angular distance between the two points on a sphere, and the position angle (North through East) of the direction from 1 to 2."""; ra1, dec1 = src1.pos.ra, src1.pos.dec ra2, dec2 = src2.pos.ra, src2.pos.dec return angular_dist_pos_angle(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2) def _get_phase_centre(model): """Compute the phase centre of observation""" # Get all sources in the model model_sources = model.sources # Get source Ra and Dec coordinates RA = [rad2deg(src.pos.ra) for src in model_sources] DEC = [rad2deg(src.pos.dec) for src in model_sources] xc = np.sum(RA)/len(RA) yc = np.sum(DEC)/len(DEC) return (xc ,yc) def _get_random_pixel_coord(num, sky_area, phase_centre=[0.0, -30.0]): """Provides random pixel coordinates Parameters ---------- num: int Number of data points sky: float Sky area to extract random points Phase tracking centre of the telescope during observation [ra0,dec0] phase_centre: list Phase centre in degrees Returns ------- COORDs: list List of coordinates """ ra_range, dec_range = _get_ra_dec_range(sky_area, phase_centre) COORDs = [] for i in range(num): current = [] # add another number to the current list current.append(random.uniform(ra_range[0], ra_range[1])) current.append(random.uniform(dec_range[0], dec_range[1])) # convert current list into a tuple and add to resulting list COORDs.append(tuple(current)) random.shuffle(COORDs) return COORDs
[docs]def residual_image_stats(fitsname, test_normality=None, data_range=None, threshold=None, chans=None, mask=None): """Gets statistcal properties of a residual image. Parameters ---------- fitsname : file Residual image (cube). test_normality : str Perform normality testing using either `shapiro` or `normaltest`. data_range : int, optional Range of data to perform normality testing. threshold : float, optional Cut-off threshold to select channels in a cube chans : str, optional Channels to compute stats (e.g. 1;0~50;100~200) mask : file Fits mask to get stats in image Returns ------- props : dict Dictionary of stats properties. e.g. {'MEAN': 0.0, 'STDDev': 0.1, 'RMS': 0.1, 'SKEW': 0.2, 'KURT': 0.3, 'MAD': 0.4, 'MAX': 0.7} Notes ----- If normality_test=True, dictionary of stats props becomes \ e.g. {'MEAN': 0.0, 'STDDev': 0.1, 'SKEW': 0.2, 'KURT': 0.3, \ 'MAD': 0.4, 'RMS': 0.5, 'SLIDING_STDDev': 0.6, 'MAX': 0.7, \ 'NORM': (123.3,0.012)} \ whereby the first element is the statistics (or average if data_range specified) \ of the datasets and second element is the p-value. """ res_props = dict() # Open the residual image residual_hdu = # Get the header data unit for the residual rms residual_data = residual_hdu[0].data # Get residual data # In case the first two axes are swapped data = (residual_data[0] if residual_data.shape[0] == 1 else residual_data[1]) if chans: nchans = [] chan_ranges = chans.split(';') for cr in chan_ranges: if '~' in cr: c = cr.split('~') nchans.extend(range(int(c[0]), int(c[1]) + 1)) else: nchans.append(int(cr)) residual_data = data[nchans] data = residual_data if threshold: nchans = [] for i in range(data.shape[0]): d = data[i][data[i] > float(threshold)] if d.shape[0] > 0: nchans.append(i) residual_data = data[nchans] data = residual_data if mask: import as ma mask_hdu = mask_data = mask_hdu[0].data residual_data = ma.masked_array(data, mask=mask_data) data = residual_data residual_data = data # Get the max value"Computing max ...") res_props['MAX'] = float("{0:.6}".format(residual_data.max()))"MAX = {}".format(res_props['MAX'])) # Get the mean value"Computing mean ...") res_props['MEAN'] = float("{0:.6}".format(residual_data.mean()))"MEAN = {}".format(res_props['MEAN'])) # Get the rms value"Computing root mean square ...") res_props['RMS'] = float("{0:.6f}".format(np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(residual_data)))))"RMS = {}".format(res_props['RMS'])) # Get the sigma value"Computing standard deviation ...") res_props['STDDev'] = float("{0:.6f}".format(residual_data.std()))"STDDev = {}".format(res_props['STDDev'])) # Flatten image res_data = residual_data.flatten() # Get the maximum absolute deviation"Computing median absolute deviation ...") res_props['MAD'] = float("{0:.6f}".format(stats.median_abs_deviation(res_data)))"MAD = {}".format(res_props['MAD'])) # Compute the skewness of the residual"Computing skewness ...") res_props['SKEW'] = float("{0:.6f}".format(stats.skew(res_data)))"SKEW = {}".format(res_props['SKEW'])) # Compute the kurtosis of the residual"Computing kurtosis ...") res_props['KURT'] = float("{0:.6f}".format(stats.kurtosis(res_data, fisher=False)))"KURT = {}".format(res_props['KURT'])) # Perform normality testing if test_normality:"Performing normality test ...") norm_props = normality_testing(res_data, test_normality, data_range) res_props.update(norm_props)"NORM = {}".format(res_props['NORM'])) props = res_props # Return dictionary of results return props
[docs]def normality_testing(data, test_normality='normaltest', data_range=None): """Performs a normality test on the image data. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.array Residual residual array. i.e.[0].data test_normality : str Perform normality testing using either `shapiro` or `normaltest`. data_range : int Range of data to perform normality testing. Returns ------- normality : dict dictionary of stats props. e.g. {'NORM': (123.3, 0.012)} whereby the first element is the statistics (or average if data_range specified) of the datasets and second element is the p-value. """ norm_res = [] normality = dict() # Get residual image data res_data = data # Shuffle the data random.shuffle(res_data) # Normality test counter = 0 # Check size of image data if len(res_data) == 0: raise ValueError(f"{R}No data to compute stats." "\nEither threshold too high " "or all data is masked.{W}") if data_range: for dataset in range(len(res_data) / int(data_range)): i = counter counter += data_range norm_res.append(getattr(stats, test_normality)(res_data[i: counter])) # Compute sum of pvalue if test_normality == 'normaltest': sum_statistics = sum([norm.statistic for norm in norm_res]) sum_pvalues = sum([norm.pvalue for norm in norm_res]) elif test_normality == 'shapiro': sum_statistics = sum([norm[0] for norm in norm_res]) sum_pvalues = sum([norm[1] for norm in norm_res]) normality['NORM'] = (sum_statistics / dataset, sum_pvalues / dataset) else: norm_res = getattr(stats, test_normality)(res_data) if test_normality == 'normaltest': statistic = float(norm_res.statistic) pvalue = float(norm_res.pvalue) normality['NORM'] = (statistic, pvalue) elif test_normality == 'shapiro': normality['NORM'] = norm_res return normality
[docs]def model_dynamic_range(lsmname, fitsname, beam_size=5, area_factor=2): """Gets the dynamic range using model lsm and residual fits. Parameters ---------- fitsname : fits file Residual image (cube). lsmname : lsm.html or .txt file Model .lsm.html from pybdsm (or .txt converted tigger file). beam_size : float Average beam size in arcsec. area_factor : float Factor to multiply the beam area. Returns ------- DR : dict DRs - dynamic range values. """ # Open the residual image residual_hdu = residual_data = residual_hdu[0].data # Load model file model_lsm = Tigger.load(lsmname) # Get detected sources model_sources = model_lsm.sources # Obtain peak flux source peak_flux = None try: sources_flux = dict([(model_source, model_source.getTag('I_peak')) for model_source in model_sources]) peak_source_flux = [(_model_source, flux) for _model_source, flux in sources_flux.items() if flux == max(list(sources_flux.values()))][0][0] peak_flux = peak_source_flux.getTag('I_peak') except TypeError: pass if not peak_flux: # In case no I_peak is not found use the integrated flux sources_flux = dict([(model_source, model_source.flux.I) for model_source in model_sources]) peak_source_flux = [(_model_source, flux) for _model_source, flux in sources_flux.items() if flux == max(list(sources_flux.values()))][0][0] peak_flux = peak_source_flux.flux.I # Get astrometry of the source in degrees RA = rad2deg(peak_source_flux.pos.ra) DEC = rad2deg(peak_source_flux.pos.dec) # Get source region and slice wcs = WCS(residual_hdu[0].header, mode="pyfits") width = int(beam_size * area_factor) imslice = get_box(wcs, (RA, DEC), width) source_res_area = np.array(residual_data[0, 0, :, :][imslice]) min_flux = source_res_area.min() local_std = source_res_area.std() global_std = residual_data[0, 0, ...].std() # Compute dynamic range DR = { "deepest_negative" : peak_flux/abs(min_flux)*1e0, "local_rms" : peak_flux/local_std*1e0, "global_rms" : peak_flux/global_std*1e0, } return DR
[docs]def image_dynamic_range(fitsname, residual, area_factor=6): """Gets the dynamic range in a restored image. Parameters ---------- fitsname : fits file Restored image (cube). residual : fits file Residual image (cube). area_factor: int Factor to multiply the beam area. Returns ------- DR : dict DRs - dynamic range values. """ fits_info = fitsInfo(fitsname) # Get beam size otherwise use default (~6``). beam_default = (0.00151582804885738, 0.00128031965017612, 20.0197348935424) beam_deg = fits_info['b_size'] if fits_info['b_size'] else beam_default # Open the restored and residual images restored_hdu = residual_hdu = # Get the header data unit for the peak and residual rms restored_data = restored_hdu[0].data residual_data = residual_hdu[0].data # Get the max value peak_flux = abs(restored_data.max()) # Get pixel coordinates of the peak flux pix_coord = np.argwhere(restored_data == peak_flux)[0] nchan = (restored_data.shape[1] if restored_data.shape[0] == 1 else restored_data.shape[0]) # Compute number of pixel in beam and extend by factor area_factor ra_num_pix = round((beam_deg[0] * area_factor) / fits_info['dra']) dec_num_pix = round((beam_deg[1] * area_factor) / fits_info['ddec']) # Create target image slice imslice = np.array([pix_coord[2]-ra_num_pix/2, pix_coord[2]+ra_num_pix/2, pix_coord[3]-dec_num_pix/2, pix_coord[3]+dec_num_pix/2]) imslice = np.array(list(map(int, imslice))) # If image is cube then average along freq axis min_flux = 0.0 for frq_ax in range(nchan): # In the case where the 0th and 1st axis of the image are not in order # i.e. (0, nchan, x_pix, y_pix) if residual_data.shape[0] == 1: target_area = residual_data[0, frq_ax, :, :][imslice] else: target_area = residual_data[frq_ax, 0, :, :][imslice] min_flux += target_area.min() if frq_ax == nchan - 1: min_flux = min_flux/float(nchan) # Compute dynamic range local_std = target_area.std() global_std = residual_data[0, 0, ...].std() # Compute dynamic range DR = { "deepest_negative" : peak_flux / abs(min_flux) * 1e0, "local_rms" : peak_flux / local_std * 1e0, "global_rms" : peak_flux / global_std * 1e0, } return DR
[docs]def get_src_scale(source_shape): """Get scale measure of the source in arcsec. Parameters ---------- source_shape : lsm object Source shape object from model Returns ------- (scale_out_arc_sec, scale_out_err_arc_sec) : tuple Output source scale with error value """ if source_shape: shape_out = source_shape.getShape() shape_out_err = source_shape.getShapeErr() minx = shape_out[0] majx = shape_out[1] minx_err = shape_out_err[0] majx_err = shape_out_err[1] if minx > 0 and majx > 0: scale_out = np.sqrt(minx*majx) scale_out_err = np.sqrt(minx_err*minx_err + majx_err*majx_err) elif minx > 0: scale_out = minx scale_out_err = minx_err elif majx > 0: scale_out = majx scale_out_err = majx_err else: scale_out = 0 scale_out_err = 0 else: scale_out = 0 scale_out_err = 0 scale_out_arc_sec = rad2arcsec(scale_out) scale_out_err_arc_sec = rad2arcsec(scale_out_err) return scale_out_arc_sec, scale_out_err_arc_sec
[docs]def get_model(catalog): """Get model model object from file catalog""" def tigger_src_ascii(src, idx): """Get ascii catalog source as a tigger source """ name = "SRC%d" % idx flux = ModelClasses.Polarization(float(src["int_flux"]), 0, 0, 0, I_err=float(src["err_int_flux"])) ra, ra_err = map(np.deg2rad, (float(src["ra"]), float(src["err_ra"]))) dec, dec_err = map(np.deg2rad, (float(src["dec"]), float(src["err_dec"]))) pos = ModelClasses.Position(ra, dec, ra_err=ra_err, dec_err=dec_err) ex, ex_err = map(np.deg2rad, (float(src["a"]), float(src["err_a"]))) ey, ey_err = map(np.deg2rad, (float(src["b"]), float(src["err_b"]))) pa, pa_err = map(np.deg2rad, (float(src["pa"]), float(src["err_pa"]))) if ex and ey: shape = ModelClasses.Gaussian(ex, ey, pa, ex_err=ex_err, ey_err=ey_err, pa_err=pa_err) else: shape = None source = SkyModel.Source(name, pos, flux, shape=shape) # Adding source peak flux (error) as extra flux attributes for sources, # and to avoid null values for point sources I_peak = src["Total_flux"] if shape: source.setAttribute("I_peak", float(src["peak_flux"])) source.setAttribute("I_peak_err", float(src["err_peak_flux"])) else: source.setAttribute("I_peak", float(src["int_flux"])) source.setAttribute("I_peak_err", float(src["err_int_flux"])) return source def tigger_src_nvss(src, idx): """Get ascii catalog source as a tigger source """ name = "SRC%d" % idx flux = ModelClasses.Polarization(float(src["S1.4"]/1000.), 0, 0, 0, I_err=float(src["e_S1.4"]/1000.)) ra, ra_err = map(np.deg2rad, (float(ra2deg(src["RAJ2000"])), float(src["e_RAJ2000"]))) dec, dec_err = map(np.deg2rad, (float(dec2deg(src["DEJ2000"])), float(src["e_DEJ2000"]))) pos = ModelClasses.Position(ra, dec, ra_err=ra_err, dec_err=dec_err) ex, ex_err = map(np.deg2rad, (float(src['MajAxis']), float(0.00))) ey, ey_err = map(np.deg2rad, (float(src['MinAxis']), float(0.00))) pa, pa_err = map(np.deg2rad, (float(0.00), float(0.00))) if ex and ey: shape = ModelClasses.Gaussian(ex, ey, pa, ex_err=ex_err, ey_err=ey_err, pa_err=pa_err) else: shape = None source = SkyModel.Source(name, pos, flux, shape=shape) # Adding source peak flux (error) as extra flux attributes for sources, # and to avoid null values for point sources I_peak = src["Total_flux"] source.setAttribute("I_peak", float(src["S1.4"]/1000.)) source.setAttribute("I_peak_err", float(src["e_S1.4"]/1000.)) return source def tigger_src_sumss(src, idx): """Get ascii catalog source as a tigger source """ name = "SRC%d" % idx flux = ModelClasses.Polarization(float(src["St"]/1000.), 0, 0, 0, I_err=float(src["e_St1.4"]/1000.)) ra, ra_err = map(np.deg2rad, (float(ra2deg(src["RAJ2000"])), float(src["e_RAJ2000"]))) dec, dec_err = map(np.deg2rad, (float(dec2deg(src["DEJ2000"])), float(src["e_DEJ2000"]))) pos = ModelClasses.Position(ra, dec, ra_err=ra_err, dec_err=dec_err) ex, ex_err = map(np.deg2rad, (float(src['MajAxis']), float(0.00))) ey, ey_err = map(np.deg2rad, (float(src['MinAxis']), float(0.00))) pa, pa_err = map(np.deg2rad, (float(src['PA']), float(0.00))) if ex and ey: shape = ModelClasses.Gaussian(ex, ey, pa, ex_err=ex_err, ey_err=ey_err, pa_err=pa_err) else: shape = None source = SkyModel.Source(name, pos, flux, shape=shape) # Adding source peak flux (error) as extra flux attributes for sources, # and to avoid null values for point sources I_peak = src["Total_flux"] source.setAttribute("I_peak", float(src["Sp"]/1000.)) source.setAttribute("I_peak_err", float(src["e_Sp"]/1000.)) return source def tigger_src_fits(src, idx, freq0=None): """Get fits catalog source as a tigger source """ name = "SRC%d" % idx flux = ModelClasses.Polarization(float(src["Total_flux"]), 0, 0, 0, I_err=float(src["E_Total_flux"])) ra, ra_err = map(np.deg2rad, (float(src["RA"]), float(src["E_RA"]))) dec, dec_err = map(np.deg2rad, (float(src["DEC"]), float(src["E_DEC"]))) pos = ModelClasses.Position(ra, dec, ra_err=ra_err, dec_err=dec_err) ex, ex_err = map(np.deg2rad, (float(src["DC_Maj"]), float(src["E_DC_Maj"]))) ey, ey_err = map(np.deg2rad, (float(src["DC_Min"]), float(src["E_DC_Min"]))) pa, pa_err = map(np.deg2rad, (float(src["PA"]), float(src["E_PA"]))) # Try to get spectral index if ex and ey: shape = ModelClasses.Gaussian(ex, ey, pa, ex_err=ex_err, ey_err=ey_err, pa_err=pa_err) else: shape = None source = SkyModel.Source(name, pos, flux, shape=shape) # Adding source peak flux (error) as extra flux attributes for sources, # and to avoid null values for point sources I_peak = src["Total_flux"] if shape: pass # TODO: Check for other models what peak is #source.setAttribute("I_peak", src["Peak_flux"]) #source.setAttribute("I_peak_err", src["E_peak_flux"]) else: source.setAttribute("I_peak", src["Total_flux"]) source.setAttribute("I_peak_err", src["E_Total_flux"]) if freq0: try: spi, spi_err = (src['Spec_Indx'], src['E_Spec_Indx']) source.spectrum = ModelClasses.SpectralIndex(spi, freq0) source.setAttribute('spi_error', spi_err) except: pass return source def tigger_src_wsclean(src, idx): """Get ascii catalog source as a tigger source """ name = src['col1'] flux = ModelClasses.Polarization(float(src["col5"]), 0, 0, 0, I_err=float(0.00)) ra, ra_err = map(np.deg2rad, (float(ra2deg(src["col3"])), float(0.00))) dec, dec_err = map(np.deg2rad, (float(dec2deg(src["col4"])), float(0.00))) pos = ModelClasses.Position(ra, dec, ra_err=ra_err, dec_err=dec_err) ex, ex_err = map(np.deg2rad, (float(src["col9"]) if type(src["col9"]) is not else 0.00, float(0.00))) ey, ey_err = map(np.deg2rad, (float(src["col10"]) if type(src["col10"]) is not else 0.00, float(0.00))) pa, pa_err = map(np.deg2rad, (float(0.00), float(0.00))) if ex and ey: shape = ModelClasses.Gaussian(ex, ey, pa, ex_err=ex_err, ey_err=ey_err, pa_err=pa_err) else: shape = None source = SkyModel.Source(name, pos, flux, shape=shape) # Adding source peak flux (error) as extra flux attributes for sources, # and to avoid null values for point sources I_peak = src["Total_flux"] source.setAttribute("I_peak", float(src['col5'])) source.setAttribute("I_peak_err", float(0.00)) return source tfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.txt') tfile.flush() with open(, "w") as stdw: stdw.write("#format:name ra_d dec_d i emaj_s emin_s pa_d\n") model = Tigger.load( tfile.close() ext = os.path.splitext(catalog)[-1] if ext in ['.html', '.txt']: if 'catalog_table' in catalog: data =, format='ascii') for i, src in enumerate(data): # Check which online catalog the source belongs to # Prefix is in the name by default when created if 'nvss' in catalog: model.sources.append(tigger_src_nvss(src, i)) if 'sumss' in catalog: model.sources.append(tigger_src_sumss(src, i)) centre = _get_phase_centre(model) model.ra0, model.dec0 = map(np.deg2rad, centre)[:-4]+".lsm.html") elif 'sources.txt' in catalog: data =, format='ascii') for i, src in enumerate(data): if i: model.sources.append(tigger_src_wsclean(src, i)) centre = _get_phase_centre(model) model.ra0, model.dec0 = map(np.deg2rad, centre)[:-4]+".lsm.html") else: model = Tigger.load(catalog) if ext in ['.tab', '.csv']: data =, format='ascii') if ext == '.tab': fits_file = catalog.replace('', '.fits') else: fits_file = catalog.replace('_comp.csv', '.fits') fitsinfo = fitsInfo(fits_file) for i, src in enumerate(data): model.sources.append(tigger_src_ascii(src, i)) centre = fitsinfo['centre'] or _get_phase_centre(model) model.ra0, model.dec0 = map(np.deg2rad, centre)[:-4]+".lsm.html") if ext in ['.fits']: data =, format='fits') fits_file = catalog.replace('-pybdsf', '') fitsinfo = fitsInfo(fits_file) freq0 = fitsinfo['freq0'] for i, src in enumerate(data): model.sources.append(tigger_src_fits(src, i, freq0)) centre = fitsinfo['centre'] or _get_phase_centre(model) model.ra0, model.dec0 = map(np.deg2rad, centre)[:-5]+".lsm.html") return model
[docs]def get_detected_sources_properties(model_1, model_2, area_factor, all_sources=False, closest_only=False): """Extracts the output simulation sources properties. Parameters ---------- models_1 : file Tigger formatted or txt model 1 file. models_2 : file Tigger formatted or txt model 2 file. area_factor : float Area factor to multiply the psf size around source. all_source: bool Compare all sources in the catalog (else only point-like source) closest_only: bool Returns the closest source only as the matching source Returns ------- (targets_flux, targets_scale, targets_position) : tuple Tuple of target flux, morphology and astrometry information """ model_lsm1 = get_model(model_1) model_lsm2 = get_model(model_2) # Sources from the input model model1_sources = model_lsm1.sources # {"source_name": [I_out, I_out_err, I_in, source_name]} targets_flux = dict() # recovered sources flux # {"source_name": [delta_pos_angle_arc_sec, ra_offset, dec_offset, # delta_phase_centre_arc_sec, I_in, source_name] targets_position = dict() # recovered sources position # {"source_name: [shape_out=(maj, min, angle), shape_out_err=, shape_in=, # scale_out, scale_out_err, I_in, source_name] targets_scale = dict() # recovered sources scale deci = 3 # round off to this decimal places names = dict() for model1_source in model1_sources: I_out = 0.0 I_out_err = 0.0 name = RA = model1_source.pos.ra DEC = model1_source.pos.dec I_in = model1_source.flux.I I_in_err = model1_source.flux.I_err tolerance = area_factor * (np.pi / (3600.0 * 180)) model2_sources = model_lsm2.getSourcesNear(RA, DEC, tolerance) if not model2_sources: continue # More than one source detected, thus we sum up all the detected sources with # a radius equal to the beam size in radians around the true target coordinate # Or use the closest source only if closest_only: if len(model2_sources) > 1: rdist = np.array([_source_angular_dist_pos_angle(model1_source, model2_source)[0] for model2_source in model2_sources]) model2_sources = [model2_sources[np.argmin(rdist)]] I_out_err_list = [] I_out_list = [] for target in model2_sources: I_out_list.append(target.flux.I) I_out_err_list.append(target.flux.I_err * target.flux.I_err) if I_out_list[0] > 0.0: source = model2_sources[0] try: shape_in = model1_source.shape.getShape() except AttributeError: shape_in = (0, 0, 0) if source.shape: shape_out = tuple(map(rad2arcsec, source.shape.getShape())) shape_out_err = tuple(map(rad2arcsec, source.shape.getShapeErr())) else: shape_out = (0, 0, 0) shape_out_err = (0, 0, 0) if not all_sources: if shape_out[0] > 2.0: continue if closest_only: I_out = source.flux.I I_out_err = source.flux.I_err ra = source.pos.ra dec = source.pos.dec ra_err = source.pos.ra_err dec_err = source.pos.dec_err else: # weighting with the flux error appears to be dangerous thing as # these values are very small taking their reciprocal # leads to very high weights # Also if the model has no errors this will raise # a div by zero exception (ZeroDivisionError) try: I_out = sum([val / err for val, err in zip(I_out_list, I_out_err_list)]) I_out_err = sum([1.0 / I_out_error for I_out_error in I_out_err_list]) I_out_var_err = np.sqrt(1.0 / I_out_err) I_out /= I_out_err I_out_err = I_out_var_err ra = (np.sum([src.pos.ra * src.flux.I for src in model2_sources]) / np.sum([src.flux.I for src in model2_sources])) dec = (np.sum([src.pos.dec * src.flux.I for src in model2_sources]) / np.sum([src.flux.I for src in model2_sources])) # Get position weighted error # _err_a = np.sqrt(np.sum([np.sqrt((src.flux.I_err/src.flux.I)**2 + # (src.pos.ra_err/src.pos.ra)**2)*np.abs(src.flux.I*src.pos.ra) # for src in model2_sources])) # _a = np.sum([src.flux.I*src.pos.ra for src in model2_sources]) # _err_b = np.sqrt(np.sum([src.flux.I_err**2 for src in model2_sources])) # _b = np.sum([src.flux.I for src in model2_sources]) # ra_err = np.abs(ra) * (np.sqrt((_err_a / _a)**2 + (_err_b / _b)**2)) # _err_a = np.sqrt(np.sum([np.sqrt((src.flux.I_err/src.flux.I)**2 + # (src.pos.ra_err/src.pos.dec)**2)*abs(src.flux.I*src.pos.dec) # for src in model2_sources])) # _a = np.sum([src.flux.I*src.pos.dec for src in model2_sources]) # _err_b = np.sqrt(np.sum([src.flux.I_err**2 for src in model2_sources])) # _b = np.sum([src.flux.I for src in model2_sources]) # dec_err = np.abs(dec) * (np.sqrt((_err_a / _a)**2 + (_err_b / _b)**2)) ra_err = sorted(model2_sources, key=lambda x: x.flux.I, reverse=True)[0].pos.ra_err dec_err = sorted(model2_sources, key=lambda x: x.flux.I, reverse=True)[0].pos.dec_err except ZeroDivisionError: if len(model2_sources) > 1: LOGGER.warn('Position ({}, {}): Since more than one source is detected' ' at the matched position,' 'only the closest to the matched position will be considered.' 'NB: This is because model2 does not have photometric errors.' 'otherwise a weighted average source would be returned'.format( rad2deg(RA), rad2deg(DEC))) rdist = np.array([_source_angular_dist_pos_angle(model2_source, model1_source)[0] for model2_source in model2_sources]) model2_sources = [model2_sources[np.argmin(rdist)]] source = model2_sources[0] I_out = source.flux.I I_out_err = source.flux.I_err ra = source.pos.ra dec = source.pos.dec ra_err = source.pos.ra_err dec_err = source.pos.dec_err RA0, DEC0 = model_lsm1.ra0, model_lsm1.dec0 source_name = targets_flux[name] = [I_out, I_out_err, I_in, I_in_err, (name, source_name)] if ra > np.pi: ra -= 2.0*np.pi if RA > np.pi: RA -= 2.0*np.pi delta_pos_angle_arc_sec = angular_dist_pos_angle( rad2arcsec(RA), rad2arcsec(DEC), rad2arcsec(ra), rad2arcsec(dec))[0] delta_pos_angle_arc_sec = float('{0:.7f}'.format(delta_pos_angle_arc_sec)) if RA0 or DEC0: delta_phase_centre = angular_dist_pos_angle(RA0, DEC0, ra, dec) delta_phase_centre_arc_sec = rad2arcsec(delta_phase_centre[0]) else: delta_phase_centre_arc_sec = None targets_position[name] = [delta_pos_angle_arc_sec, rad2arcsec(ra - RA), rad2arcsec(dec - DEC), delta_phase_centre_arc_sec, I_in, rad2arcsec(ra_err), rad2arcsec(dec_err), (round(rad2deg(RA), deci), round(rad2deg(DEC), deci)), (name, source_name)] src_scale = get_src_scale(source.shape) targets_scale[name] = [shape_out, shape_out_err, shape_in, src_scale[0], src_scale[1], I_in, source_name] names[name] = source_name sources1 = model_lsm1.sources sources2 = model_lsm2.sources targets_not_matching_a, targets_not_matching_b = targets_not_matching(sources1, sources2, names) sources_overlay = get_source_overlay(sources1, sources2) num_of_sources = len(targets_flux)"Number of sources matched: {num_of_sources}") return (targets_flux, targets_scale, targets_position, targets_not_matching_a, targets_not_matching_b, sources_overlay)
[docs]def compare_models(models, tolerance=0.2, plot=True, all_sources=False, closest_only=False, prefix=None, flux_plot='log'): """Plot model1 source properties against that of model2 Parameters ---------- models : dict Tigger formatted model files e.g {model1: model2}. tolerance : float Tolerace in detecting source from model 2 (in arcsec). plot : bool Output html plot from which a png can be obtained. all_source: bool Compare all sources in the catalog (else only point-like source) closest_only: bool Returns the closest source only as the matching source flux_plot: str The type of output flux comparison plot (options:log,snr,inout) prefix : str Prefix for output htmls Returns ------- results : dict Dictionary of source properties from each model. """ results = dict() for _models in models: input_model = _models[0] output_model = _models[1] heading = input_model["label"] results[heading] = {'models': [input_model["path"], output_model["path"]]} results[heading]['flux'] = [] results[heading]['shape'] = [] results[heading]['position'] = [] # No matching source results[heading]['no_match1'] = [] results[heading]['no_match2'] = [] results[heading]['overlay'] = [] props = get_detected_sources_properties('{}'.format(input_model["path"]), '{}'.format(output_model["path"]), tolerance, all_sources, closest_only) for i in range(len(props[0])): flux_prop = list(props[0].items()) results[heading]['flux'].append(flux_prop[i][-1]) for i in range(len(props[1])): shape_prop = list(props[1].items()) results[heading]['shape'].append(shape_prop[i][-1]) for i in range(len(props[2])): pos_prop = list(props[2].items()) results[heading]['position'].append(pos_prop[i][-1]) for i in range(len(props[3])): no_match_prop1 = list(props[3].items()) results[heading]['no_match1'].append(no_match_prop1[i][-1]) for i in range(len(props[4])): no_match_prop2 = list(props[4].items()) results[heading]['no_match2'].append(no_match_prop2[i][-1]) for i in range(len(props[5])): no_match_prop2 = list(props[5].items()) results[heading]['overlay'].append(no_match_prop2[i][-1]) results[heading]['tolerance'] = tolerance if plot: _source_flux_plotter(results, models, prefix=prefix, plot_type=flux_plot) _source_astrometry_plotter(results, models, prefix=prefix) return results
[docs]def compare_residuals(residuals, skymodel=None, points=None, inline=False, area_factor=None, prefix=None, fov_factor=None): if skymodel: res = _source_residual_results(residuals, skymodel, area_factor) else: res = _random_residual_results(residuals, points, fov_factor, area_factor) _residual_plotter(residuals, results=res, points=points, inline=inline, prefix=prefix) return res
[docs]def targets_not_matching(sources1, sources2, matched_names, flux_units='milli'): """Plot model-model fluxes from lsm.html/txt models Parameters ---------- sources1: list List of sources from model 1 sources2: list List of sources Sources from model 2 matched_names: dict Dict of names from model 2 that matched that of model 1 flux_units: str Units of flux density for tabulated values Returns ------- target_no_match1: dict Sources from model 1 that have no match in model 2 target_no_match2: dict Sources from model 2 that have no match in model 1 """ deci = 2 # round off to this decimal places units = flux_units targets_not_matching_a = dict() targets_not_matching_b = dict() for s1 in sources1: if not in matched_names.keys(): props1 = [, round(s1.flux.I*FLUX_UNIT_SCALER[units][0], deci), round(s1.flux.I_err*FLUX_UNIT_SCALER[units][0], deci) if s1.flux.I_err else None, unwrap(round(rad2deg(s1.pos.ra), deci)), f'{rad2deg(s1.pos.ra_err):.{deci}e}' if s1.pos.ra_err else None, round(rad2deg(s1.pos.dec), deci), f'{rad2deg(s1.pos.dec_err):.{deci}e}' if s1.pos.dec_err else None] targets_not_matching_a[] = props1 for s2 in sources2: if not in matched_names.values(): props2 = [, round(s2.flux.I*FLUX_UNIT_SCALER[units][0], deci), round(s2.flux.I_err*FLUX_UNIT_SCALER[units][0], deci) if s2.flux.I_err else None, unwrap(round(rad2deg(s2.pos.ra), deci)), f'{rad2deg(s2.pos.ra_err):.{deci}e}' if s2.pos.ra_err else None, round(rad2deg(s2.pos.dec), deci), f'{rad2deg(s2.pos.dec_err):.{deci}e}' if s2.pos.dec_err else None] targets_not_matching_b[] = props2 return targets_not_matching_a, targets_not_matching_b
[docs]def get_source_overlay(sources1, sources2): """Get source from models compare for overlay""" sources = dict() for s in sources1: props = [, s.flux.I, s.flux.I_err, s.pos.ra, s.pos.ra_err, s.pos.dec, s.pos.dec_err, 1] sources['-1'] = props"Model 1 source: {}".format(len(sources1))) for s in sources2: props = [, s.flux.I, s.flux.I_err, s.pos.ra, s.pos.ra_err, s.pos.dec, s.pos.dec_err, 2] sources['-2'] = props"Model 2 source: {}".format(len(sources2))) return sources
[docs]def plot_photometry(models, label=None, tolerance=0.2, phase_centre=None, all_sources=False, flux_plot='log'): """Plot model-model fluxes from lsm.html/txt models Parameters ---------- models : dict Tigger/text formatted model files e.g {model1: model2}. label : str Use this label instead of the FITS image path when saving data. tolerance: float Radius around the source to be cross matched (in arcsec). phase_centre : str Phase centre of catalog (if not already embeded) all_source: bool Compare all sources in the catalog (else only point-like source) """ _models = [] i = 0 for model1, model2 in models.items(): _models.append([dict(label="{}-model_a_{}".format(label, i), path=model1), dict(label="{}-model_b_{}".format(label, i), path=model2)]) i += 1 results = compare_models(_models, tolerance, False, phase_centre, all_sources) _source_flux_plotter(results, _models, inline=True, plot_type=flux_plot)
[docs]def plot_astrometry(models, label=None, tolerance=0.2, phase_centre=None, all_sources=False): """Plot model-model positions from lsm.html/txt models Parameters ---------- models : dict Tigger/text formatted model files e.g {model1: model2}. label : str Use this label instead of the FITS image path when saving data. tolerance: float Radius around the source to be cross matched. phase_centre : str Phase centre of catalog (if not already embeded) all_source: bool Compare all sources in the catalog (else only point-like source) """ _models = [] i = 0 for model1, model2 in models.items(): _models.append([dict(label="{}-model_a_{}".format(label, i), path=model1), dict(label="{}-model_b_{}".format(label, i), path=model2)]) i += 1 results = compare_models(_models, tolerance, False, phase_centre, all_sources) _source_astrometry_plotter(results, _models, inline=True)
[docs]def plot_residuals_noise(res_noise_images, skymodel=None, label=None, area_factor=2.0, points=100): """Plot residual-residual or noise data Parameters ---------- res_noise_images: dict Dictionary of residual images to plot {res1.fits: res2.fits}. skymodel: file Skymodel file to locate on source residuals (lsm.html/txt) label : str Use this label instead of the FITS image path when saving data. area_factor : float Factor to multiply the beam area. points: int Number of data point to generate in case of random residuals. """ _residual_images = [] i = 0 for res1, res2 in res_noise_images.items(): _residual_images.append([dict(label="{}-res_a_{}".format(label, i), path=res1), dict(label="{}-res_b_{}".format(label, i), path=res2)]) i += 1 compare_residuals(_residual_images, skymodel, points, True, area_factor)
def _source_flux_plotter(results, all_models, inline=False, units='milli', prefix=None, plot_type='log'): """Plot flux results and save output as html file. Parameters ---------- results : dict Structured output results. models : list Tigger/text formatted model files. e.g. [[{'label': 'model_a_1', 'path': 'point_skymodel1.txt'}, {'label': 'model_b_1', 'path': 'point_skymodel1.lsm.html'}]] inline : bool Allow inline plotting inside a notebook. units : str Data points and axis label units prefix : str Prefix for output htmls plot_type: str The type of output flux comparison plot (options:log,snr,inout) """ if prefix: outfile = f'{prefix}-InputOutputFluxDensity.html' else: outfile = 'InputOutputFluxDensity.html' output_file(outfile) flux_plot_list = [] for model_pair in all_models: heading = model_pair[0]['label'] name_labels = [] flux_in_data = [] flux_out_data = [] source_scale = [] positions_in_out = [] flux_in_err_data = [] flux_out_err_data = [] phase_centre_dist = [] no_match1 = results[heading]['no_match1'] no_match2 = results[heading]['no_match2'] for n in range(len(results[heading]['flux'])): flux_out_data.append(results[heading]['flux'][n][0]) flux_out_err_data.append(results[heading]['flux'][n][1]) flux_in_data.append(results[heading]['flux'][n][2]) flux_in_err_data.append(results[heading]['flux'][n][3]) name_labels.append(results[heading]['flux'][n][4]) phase_centre_dist.append(results[heading]['position'][n][3]) positions_in_out.append(results[heading]['position'][n][7]) source_scale.append(results[heading]['shape'][n][3]) if len(flux_in_data) > 1: # Error lists err_xs1 = [] err_ys1 = [] err_xs2 = [] err_ys2 = [] # Format data points value to a readable units # and select type of comparison plot if plot_type == 'inout': x = np.array(flux_in_data) * FLUX_UNIT_SCALER[units][0] y = np.array(flux_out_data) * FLUX_UNIT_SCALER[units][0] z = np.array(phase_centre_dist) axis_labels = ['Input flux ({:s})'.format( FLUX_UNIT_SCALER[units][1]), 'Output flux ({:s})'.format( FLUX_UNIT_SCALER[units][1])] elif plot_type == 'log': x = np.log(np.array(flux_in_data) * FLUX_UNIT_SCALER[units][0]) y = np.log(np.array(flux_out_data) * FLUX_UNIT_SCALER[units][0]) z = np.array(phase_centre_dist) axis_labels = ['Model 1 log (flux)', 'Model 2 log (flux)'] elif plot_type == 'snr': x = np.log(np.array(flux_in_data) * FLUX_UNIT_SCALER[units][0]) y = ((np.array(flux_in_data) * FLUX_UNIT_SCALER[units][0])/ (np.array(flux_out_data) * FLUX_UNIT_SCALER[units][0])) z = np.array(phase_centre_dist) axis_labels = ['Model 1 log (flux)', 'Flux1/Flux2'] # Compute some fit stats of the two models being compared flux_MSE = mean_squared_error(x, y) reg = linregress(x, y) flux_R_score = reg.rvalue # Create additional feature on the plot such as hover, display text TOOLS = "crosshair,pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,hover,save" source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict(flux_in=x, flux_out=y, phase_centre_dist=z, ra_dec=positions_in_out, label=name_labels)) text = model_pair[0]["path"].split("/")[-1].split('.')[0] # Create a plot object plot_flux = figure(title=text, x_axis_label=axis_labels[0], y_axis_label=axis_labels[1], tools=TOOLS) plot_flux.title.text_font_size = '16pt' # Create a color bar and size objects color_bar_height = 100 mapper_opts = dict(palette="Viridis256", low=min(phase_centre_dist), high=max(phase_centre_dist)) mapper = LinearColorMapper(**mapper_opts) flux_mapper = LinearColorMapper(**mapper_opts) color_bar = ColorBar(color_mapper=mapper, ticker=plot_flux.xaxis.ticker, formatter=plot_flux.xaxis.formatter, location=(0, 0), orientation='horizontal') color_bar_plot = figure(title="Phase centre distance (arcsec)", title_location="below", height=color_bar_height, toolbar_location=None, outline_line_color=None, min_border=0) # Get errors from the input/output fluxes for xval, yval, xerr, yerr in zip(x, y, np.array(flux_in_err_data) * FLUX_UNIT_SCALER[units][0], np.array(flux_out_err_data) * FLUX_UNIT_SCALER[units][0]): err_xs1.append((xval - xerr, xval + xerr)) err_ys2.append((yval - yerr, yval + yerr)) err_ys1.append((yval, yval)) err_xs2.append((xval, xval)) # Create a plot object for errors error1_plot = plot_flux.multi_line(err_xs1, err_ys1, legend_label="Errors", color="red") error2_plot = plot_flux.multi_line(err_xs2, err_ys2, legend_label="Errors", color="red") # Create a plot object for a Fit if plot_type == 'inout': fit_points = 100 slope = reg.slope intercept = reg.intercept fit_xs = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), fit_points) fit_ys = slope * fit_xs + intercept # Regression fit plot fit = plot_flux.line(fit_xs, fit_ys, legend_label="Fit", color="blue") # Create a plot object for I_out = I_in line .i.e. Perfect match equal = plot_flux.line(np.array([min(x), max(x)]), np.array([min(x), max(x)]), legend_label=u"Iₒᵤₜ=Iᵢₙ", line_dash="dashed", color="gray") elif plot_type == 'snr': fit_points = 100 slope = reg.slope intercept = reg.intercept # Regression fit plot fit_xs = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), fit_points) fit_ys = slope * fit_xs + intercept fit = plot_flux.line(fit_xs, fit_ys, legend_label="Fit", color="blue") # Create a plot object for I_out = I_in line .i.e. Perfect match equal = plot_flux.line(np.array([min(x), max(x)]), np.array([1, 1]), legend_label=u"Iₒᵤₜ/Iᵢₙ=1", line_dash="dashed", color="gray") elif plot_type == 'log': fit_points = 100 slope = reg.slope intercept = reg.intercept # Regression fit plot fit_xs = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), fit_points) fit_ys = slope * fit_xs + intercept fit = plot_flux.line(fit_xs, fit_ys, legend_label="Fit", color="blue") # Create a plot object for I_out = I_in line .i.e. Perfect match equal = plot_flux.line(np.array([min(x), max(x)]), np.array([min(x), max(x)]), legend_label=u"log(Iₒᵤₜ)=log(Iᵢₙ)", line_dash="dashed", color="gray") # Create a plot object for the data points data ='flux_in', 'flux_out', name='data', legend_label="Data", source=source, line_color=None, fill_color={"field": "phase_centre_dist", "transform": mapper}) # Table with stats data deci = 3 # Round off to this decimal places cols = ["Stats", "Value"] stats = {"Stats": ["Slope", "Intercept", "RMS_Error", "R2"], "Value": [f"{reg.slope:.{deci}f}", f"{reg.intercept * FLUX_UNIT_SCALER[units][0]:.{deci}e}", f"{np.sqrt(flux_MSE) * FLUX_UNIT_SCALER[units][0]:.{deci}e}", f"{flux_R_score:.{deci}f}"]} source = ColumnDataSource(data=stats) columns = [TableColumn(field=x, title=x.capitalize()) for x in cols] dtab = DataTable(source=source, columns=columns, width=400, max_width=450, height=100, max_height=150, sizing_mode='stretch_both') table_title = Div(text="Cross Match Stats") table_title.align = "center" stats_table = column([table_title, dtab]) # Table with no match data1 _fu = FLUX_UNIT_SCALER[units][1] cols1 = ["Source", "Flux [%s]"%_fu, "Flux err [%s]"%_fu, "RA", "RA err", "DEC", "DEC err"] stats1 = {"Source": [s[0] for s in no_match1], "Flux [%s]"%_fu: [s[1] for s in no_match1], "Flux err [%s]"%_fu: [s[2] for s in no_match1], "RA": [s[3] for s in no_match1], "RA err": [s[4] for s in no_match1], "DEC": [s[5] for s in no_match1], "DEC err": [s[6] for s in no_match1]} source1 = ColumnDataSource(data=stats1) columns1 = [TableColumn(field=x, title=x.capitalize()) for x in cols1] dtab1 = DataTable(source=source1, columns=columns1, width=400, max_width=450, height=100, max_height=150, sizing_mode='stretch_both') table_title1 = Div(text="Non-matching sources from model 1") table_title1.align = "center" stats_table1 = column([table_title1, dtab1]) # Table with no match data1 cols2 = ["Source", "Flux [%s]"%_fu, "Flux err [%s]"%_fu, "RA", "RA err", "DEC", "DEC err"] stats2 = {"Source": [s[0] for s in no_match2], "Flux [%s]"%_fu: [s[1] for s in no_match2], "Flux err [%s]"%_fu: [s[2] for s in no_match2], "RA": [s[3] for s in no_match2], "RA err": [s[4] for s in no_match2], "DEC": [s[5] for s in no_match2], "DEC err": [s[6] for s in no_match2]} source2 = ColumnDataSource(data=stats2) columns2 = [TableColumn(field=x, title=x.capitalize()) for x in cols2] dtab2 = DataTable(source=source2, columns=columns2, width=400, max_width=450, height=100, max_height=150, sizing_mode='stretch_both') table_title2 = Div(text="Non-matching sources from model 2") table_title2.align = "center" stats_table2 = column([table_title2, dtab2]) # Attaching the hover object with labels hover = hover.names = ['data'] hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([ ("(Input,Output)", "(@flux_in,@flux_out)"), ("source", "(@label)"), ("(RA,DEC)", "(@ra_dec)"), ("Phase_centre_distance", "@phase_centre_dist")]) # Legend position and title align plot_flux.legend.location = "top_left" plot_flux.title.align = "center" plot_flux.legend.click_policy = "hide" # Colorbar position color_bar_plot.add_layout(color_bar, "below") color_bar_plot.title.align = "center" # Append all plots flux_plot_list.append(column(row(plot_flux, column(stats_table, stats_table1, stats_table2)), color_bar_plot)) else: LOGGER.warn('No photometric plot created for {}'.format(model_pair[1]["path"])) if flux_plot_list: # Make the plots in a column layout flux_plots = column(flux_plot_list) # Save the plot (html) save(flux_plots, title=outfile)'Saving photometry comparisons in {}'.format(outfile)) def _source_astrometry_plotter(results, all_models, inline=False, units='', prefix=None): """Plot astrometry results and save output as html file. Parameters ---------- results: dict Structured output results. models : list Tigger/text formatted model files. e.g. [[{'label': 'model_a_1', 'path': 'point_skymodel1.txt'}, {'label': 'model_b_1', 'path': 'point_skymodel1.lsm.html'}]] inline : bool Allow inline plotting inside a notebook. units : str Data points and axis label units prefix : str Prefix for output htmls """ if prefix: outfile = f'{prefix}-InputOutputPosition.html' else: outfile = 'InputOutputPosition.html' output_file(outfile) position_plot_list = [] for model_pair in all_models: RA_offset = [] RA_err = [] DEC_offset = [] DEC_err = [] DELTA_PHASE0 = [] source_labels = [] flux_in_data = [] flux_out_data = [] delta_pos_data = [] position_in_out = [] heading = model_pair[0]['label'] overlays = results[heading]['overlay'] tolerance = results[heading]['tolerance'] for n in range(len(results[heading]['flux'])): flux_out_data.append(results[heading]['flux'][n][0]) delta_pos_data.append(results[heading]['position'][n][0]) RA_offset.append(results[heading]['position'][n][1]) DEC_offset.append(results[heading]['position'][n][2]) DELTA_PHASE0.append(results[heading]['position'][n][3]) flux_in_data.append(results[heading]['position'][n][4]) RA_err.append(results[heading]['position'][n][5]) DEC_err.append(results[heading]['position'][n][6]) position_in_out.append(results[heading]['position'][n][7]) source_labels.append(results[heading]['position'][n][8]) # Compute some stats of the two models being compared if len(flux_in_data) > 1: RA_mean = np.mean(RA_offset) DEC_mean = np.mean(DEC_offset) r1, r2 = np.array(RA_offset).std(), np.array(DEC_offset).std() # Generate data for a sigma circle around data points fit_points = 100 pi, cos, sin = np.pi, np.cos, np.sin theta = np.linspace(0, 2.0 * pi, fit_points) x1 = RA_mean+(r1 * cos(theta)) y1 = DEC_mean+(r2 * sin(theta)) # Get the number of sources recovered and within 1 sigma recovered_sources = len(DEC_offset) one_sigma_sources = len([ (ra_off, dec_off) for ra_off, dec_off in zip(RA_offset, DEC_offset) if abs(ra_off) <= max(abs(x1)) and abs(dec_off) <= max(abs(y1))]) # Format data list into numpy arrays x_ra = np.array(RA_offset) y_dec = np.array(DEC_offset) x_ra_err = np.array(RA_err) y_dec_err = np.array(DEC_err) # TODO: Use flux as a radius dimension flux_in_mjy = np.array(flux_in_data) * FLUX_UNIT_SCALER['milli'][0] phase_centre_distance = np.array(DELTA_PHASE0) # For color # Create additional feature on the plot such as hover, display text TOOLS = "crosshair,pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,hover,save" source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict(ra_offset=x_ra, ra_err=x_ra_err, dec_offset=y_dec, dec_err=y_dec_err, ra_dec=position_in_out, phase_centre_dist=phase_centre_distance, flux_in=flux_in_mjy, label=source_labels)) text = model_pair[0]["path"].split("/")[-1].split('.')[0] # Create a plot object plot_position = figure(title=text, x_axis_label='RA offset ({:s})'.format( POSITION_UNIT_SCALER['arcsec'][1]), y_axis_label='DEC offset ({:s})'.format( POSITION_UNIT_SCALER['arcsec'][1]), tools=TOOLS) plot_position.title.text_font_size = '16pt' # Create an image overlay s1_ra_rad = np.unwrap([src[3] for src in overlays if src[-1] == 1]) s1_ra_deg = [unwrap(rad2deg(s_ra)) for s_ra in s1_ra_rad] s1_dec_rad = [src[5] for src in overlays if src[-1] == 1] s1_dec_deg = [rad2deg(s_dec) for s_dec in s1_dec_rad] s1_labels = [src[0] for src in overlays if src[-1] == 1] s1_flux = [src[1] for src in overlays if src[-1] == 1] s2_ra_rad = np.unwrap([src[3] for src in overlays if src[-1] == 2]) s2_ra_deg = [unwrap(rad2deg(s_ra)) for s_ra in s2_ra_rad] s2_dec_rad = [src[5] for src in overlays if src[-1] == 2] s2_dec_deg = [rad2deg(s_dec) for s_dec in s2_dec_rad] s2_labels = [src[0] for src in overlays if src[-1] == 2] s2_flux = [src[1] for src in overlays if src[-1] == 2] overlay_source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict(ra1=s1_ra_deg, dec1=s1_dec_deg, ra2=s2_ra_deg, dec2=s2_dec_deg, ra_offset=x_ra, dec_offset=y_dec, ra_err=x_ra_err, dec_err=y_dec_err, label1=s1_labels, label2=s2_labels, flux1=s1_flux, flux2=s2_flux)) plot_overlay = figure(title="Overlay Plot of the catalogs", x_axis_label='RA ({:s})'.format( POSITION_UNIT_SCALER['deg'][1]), y_axis_label='DEC ({:s})'.format( POSITION_UNIT_SCALER['deg'][1]), match_aspect=True, tools=("crosshair,pan,wheel_zoom," "box_zoom,reset,save")) plot_overlay_1 ='ra1', 'dec1', name='model1', legend_label='Model1', source=overlay_source, line_color=None, color='blue') plot_overlay_2 ='ra2', 'dec2', name='model2', legend_label='Model2', source=overlay_source, line_color=None, color='red') plot_overlay.ellipse('ra1', 'dec1', source=overlay_source, width=tolerance/3600.0, height=tolerance/3600.0, line_color=None, color='#CAB2D6') plot_overlay.title.align = "center" plot_overlay.legend.location = "top_left" plot_overlay.legend.click_policy = "hide" color_bar_height = 100 plot_overlay.x_range.flipped = True # Colorbar Mapper mapper_opts = dict(palette="Viridis256", low=min(phase_centre_distance), high=max(phase_centre_distance)) mapper = LinearColorMapper(**mapper_opts) flux_mapper = LinearColorMapper(**mapper_opts) color_bar = ColorBar(color_mapper=mapper, ticker=plot_position.xaxis.ticker, formatter=plot_position.xaxis.formatter, location=(0, 0), orientation='horizontal') color_bar_plot = figure(title="Phase centre distance (arcsec)", title_location="below", height=color_bar_height, toolbar_location=None, outline_line_color=None, min_border=0) # Get errors from the output positions err_xs1 = [] err_ys1 = [] err_xs2 = [] err_ys2 = [] for x, y, xerr, yerr in zip(x_ra, y_dec, np.array(RA_err), np.array(DEC_err)): err_xs1.append((x - xerr, x + xerr)) err_ys1.append((y, y)) err_xs2.append((x, x)) err_ys2.append((y - yerr, y + yerr)) # Create a plot object for errors error1_plot = plot_position.multi_line(err_xs1, err_ys1, legend_label="Errors", color="red") error2_plot = plot_position.multi_line(err_xs2, err_ys2, legend_label="Errors", color="red") # Creat an sigma circle plot object sigma_plot = plot_position.line(np.array(x1), np.array(y1), legend_label='Sigma') # Create position data points plot object'ra_offset', 'dec_offset', name='data', source=source, line_color=None, legend_label='Data', fill_color={"field": "phase_centre_dist", "transform": mapper}) # Table with stats data deci = 2 # round off to this decimal places cols = ["Stats", "Value"] stats = {"Stats": ["Total sources", "(RA, DEC) mean", "Sigma sources", "(RA, DEC) sigma"], "Value": [recovered_sources, f"({RA_mean:.{deci}e}, {DEC_mean:.{deci}e})", one_sigma_sources, f"({r1:.{deci}e}, {r2:.{deci}e})"]} source = ColumnDataSource(data=stats) columns = [TableColumn(field=x, title=x.capitalize()) for x in cols] dtab = DataTable(source=source, columns=columns, width=450, max_width=800, height=100, max_height=150, sizing_mode='stretch_both') table_title = Div(text="Cross Match Stats") table_title.align = "center" stats_table = column([table_title, dtab]) # Attaching the hover object with labels hover = hover.names = ['data'] hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([ ("source", "(@label)"), ("Flux_in (mJy)", "@flux_in"), ("(RA,DEC)", "(@ra_dec)"), ("(RA_err,DEC_err)", "(@ra_err,@dec_err)"), ("(RA_offset,DEC_offset)", "(@ra_offset,@dec_offset)")]) plot_overlay.add_tools( HoverTool(renderers=[plot_overlay_1], tooltips=OrderedDict([ ("source", "@label1"), ("Flux (mJy)", "@flux1"), ("(RA,DEC)", "(@ra1,@dec1)"), ("(RA_err,DEC_err)", "(@ra_err,@dec_err)"), ("(RA_offset,DEC_offset)", "(@ra_offset,@dec_offset)")]))) plot_overlay.add_tools( HoverTool(renderers=[plot_overlay_2], tooltips=OrderedDict([ ("source", "@label2"), ("Flux (mJy)", "@flux2"), ("(RA,DEC)", "(@ra2,@dec2)"), ("(RA_err,DEC_err)", "(@ra_err,@dec_err)"), ("(RA_offset,DEC_offset)", "(@ra_offset,@dec_offset)")]))) # Legend position and title align plot_position.legend.location = "top_left" plot_position.legend.click_policy = "hide" plot_position.title.align = "center" # Colorbar position color_bar_plot.add_layout(color_bar, "below") color_bar_plot.title.align = "center" # Append object to plot list position_plot_list.append(column(row(plot_position, plot_overlay, column(stats_table)), color_bar_plot)) else: LOGGER.warn('No plot astrometric created for {}'.format(model_pair[1]["path"])) if position_plot_list: # Make the plots in a column layout position_plots = column(position_plot_list) # Save the plot (html) save(position_plots, title=outfile)'Saving astrometry comparisons in {}'.format(outfile)) def _residual_plotter(res_noise_images, points=None, results=None, inline=False, prefix=None): """Plot ratios of random residuals and noise Parameters ---------- res_noise_images: dict Structured input images with labels. points: int Number of data point to generate in case of random residuals results: dict Structured output results. inline : bool Allow inline plotting inside a notebook. prefix : str Prefix for output htmls """ if points: if prefix: outfile = f'{prefix}-RandomResidualNoiseRatio.html' else: outfile = 'RandomResidualNoiseRatio.html' else: if prefix: outfile = f'{prefix}-SourceResidualNoiseRatio.html' else: outfile = 'SourceResidualNoiseRatio.html' output_file(outfile) residual_plot_list = [] for residual_pair in res_noise_images: residuals1 = [] residuals2 = [] name_labels = [] dist_from_phase = [] res_noise_ratio = [] res_image = residual_pair[0]['label'] for res_src in results[res_image]: residuals1.append(res_src[0]) residuals2.append(res_src[1]) res_noise_ratio.append(res_src[2]) dist_from_phase.append(res_src[3]) name_labels.append(res_src[4]) if len(name_labels) > 1: # Get sigma value of residuals res1 = np.array(residuals1) * FLUX_UNIT_SCALER['micro'][0] res2 = np.array(residuals2) * FLUX_UNIT_SCALER['micro'][0] # Get ratio data y1 = np.array(res_noise_ratio) x1 = np.array(range(len(res_noise_ratio))) # Create additional feature on the plot such as hover, display text TOOLS = "crosshair,pan,wheel_zoom,box_zoom,reset,hover,save" source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict(x=x1, y=y1, res1=res1, res2=res2, label=name_labels)) text = residual_pair[1]["path"].split("/")[-1].split('.')[0] # Get y2 label and range y2_label = "Flux ({})".format(FLUX_UNIT_SCALER['micro'][1]) y_max = max(res1) if max(res1) > max(res2) else max(res2) y_min = min(res1) if min(res1) < min(res2) else min(res2) # Create a plot objects and set axis limits plot_residual = figure(title=text, x_axis_label='Sources', y_axis_label='Res1-to-Res2', tools=TOOLS) plot_residual.y_range = Range1d(start=min(y1) - .01, end=max(y1) + .01) plot_residual.extra_y_ranges = {y2_label: Range1d(start=y_min - .01 * abs(y_min), end=y_max + .01 * abs(y_max))} plot_residual.add_layout(LinearAxis(y_range_name=y2_label, axis_label=y2_label), 'right') res_ratio_object = plot_residual.line('x', 'y', name='ratios', source=source, color='green', legend_label='res1-to-res2') res1_object = plot_residual.line(x1, res1, color='red', legend_label='res1', y_range_name=y2_label) res2_object = plot_residual.line(x1, res2, color='blue', legend_label='res2', y_range_name=y2_label) plot_residual.title.text_font_size = '16pt' # Table with stats data cols = ["Stats", "Value"] stats = {"Stats": ["Residual1", "Residual2", "Res1-to-Res2"], "Value": [np.mean(residuals1) * FLUX_UNIT_SCALER['micro'][0], np.mean(residuals2) * FLUX_UNIT_SCALER['micro'][0], np.mean(residuals2) / np.mean(residuals1)]} source = ColumnDataSource(data=stats) columns = [TableColumn(field=x, title=x.capitalize()) for x in cols] dtab = DataTable(source=source, columns=columns, width=450, max_width=800, height=100, max_height=150, sizing_mode='stretch_both') table_title = Div(text="Cross Match Stats") table_title.align = "center" stats_table = column([table_title, dtab]) # Attaching the hover object with labels hover = hover.names = ['ratios'] hover.tooltips = OrderedDict([ ("ratio", "@y"), ("(Res1,Res2)", "(@res1,@res2)"), ("source", "@label")]) # Position of legend and title align plot_residual.legend.location = "top_left" plot_residual.title.align = "center" # Add object to plot list residual_plot_list.append(row(plot_residual, column(stats_table))) else: LOGGER.warn('No plot created. Found 0 or 1 data point in {}'.format(res_image)) if residual_plot_list: # Make the plots in a column layout residual_plots = column(residual_plot_list) # Save the plot (html) save(residual_plots, title=outfile)'Saving residual comparision plots {}'.format(outfile)) def _random_residual_results(res_noise_images, data_points=None, fov_factor=None, area_factor=None): """Plot ratios of random residuals and noise Parameters ---------- res_noise_images: list List of dictionaries with residual images data_points: int Number of data points to extract area_factor : float Factor to multiply the beam area fov_factor : float Factor to multiply the field of view for random points Returns ------- results : dict Dictionary of source residual properties from each residual image. """"Plotting ratios of random residuals and noise") # dictinary to store results results = dict() # Get beam size otherwise use default (~6``). beam_default = (0.00151582804885738, 0.00128031965017612, 20.0197348935424) for images in res_noise_images: # Source counter i = 0 # Get label res_label1 = images[0]['label'] # Get residual image names res_image1 = images[0]['path'] res_image2 = images[1]['path'] # Data structure for residuals compared results[res_label1] = [] # Get fits info fits_info = fitsInfo(res_image1) # Get beam size otherwise use default (~6``). beam_deg = fits_info['b_size'] if fits_info['b_size'] else beam_default # In case the images was not deconvloved aslo use default beam if beam_deg == (0.0, 0.0, 0.0): beam_deg = beam_default # Open residual images header res_hdu1 = res_hdu2 = # Get data from residual images res_data1 = res_hdu1[0].data res_data2 = res_hdu2[0].data # Get random pixel coordinates pix_coord_deg = _get_random_pixel_coord( data_points, phase_centre=fits_info['centre'], sky_area=fits_info['skyArea'] * fov_factor) # Get the number of frequency channels nchan1 = (res_data1.shape[1] if res_data1.shape[0] == 1 else res_data1.shape[0]) nchan2 = (res_data2.shape[1] if res_data2.shape[0] == 1 else res_data2.shape[0]) for RA, DEC in pix_coord_deg: i += 1 # Get width of box around source width = int(deg2arcsec(beam_deg[0]) * area_factor) # Get a image slice around source imslice = get_box(fits_info["wcs"], (RA, DEC), width) # Get noise rms in the box around the point coordinate res1_area = res_data1[0, 0, :, :][imslice] res2_area = res_data2[0, 0, :, :][imslice] # Ignore empty arrays due to points at the edge if not res1_area.size or not res2_area.size: continue res1_rms = res1_area.std() res2_rms = res2_area.std() # if image is cube then average along freq axis if nchan1 > 1: flux_rms1 = 0.0 for frq_ax in range(nchan1): # In case the first two axes are swapped if res_data1.shape[0] == 1: target_area1 = res_data1[0, frq_ax, :, :][imslice] else: target_area1 = res_data1[frq_ax, 0, :, :][imslice] # Sum of all the fluxes flux_rms1 += target_area1.std() # Get the average std and mean along all frequency channels res1_rms = flux_rms1/float(nchan1) if nchan2 > 1: flux_rms2 = 0.0 for frq_ax in range(nchan2): # In case the first two axes are swapped if res_data2.shape[0] == 1: target_area2 = res_data2[0, frq_ax, :, :][imslice] else: target_area2 = res_data2[frq_ax, 0, :, :][imslice] # Sum of all the fluxes flux_rms2 += target_area2.std() # Get the average std and mean along all frequency channels res2_rms = flux_rms2/float(nchan2) # Get phase centre and determine phase centre distance RA0 = fits_info['centre'][0] DEC0 = fits_info['centre'][1] phase_dist_arcsec = deg2arcsec(np.sqrt((RA-RA0)**2 + (DEC-DEC0)**2)) # Store all outputs in the results data structure results[res_label1].append([res1_rms*1e0, res2_rms*1e0, res2_rms/res1_rms*1e0, phase_dist_arcsec, 'source{0}'.format(i)]) return results def _source_residual_results(res_noise_images, skymodel, area_factor=None): """Plot ratios of source residuals and noise Parameters ---------- res_noise: list List of dictionaries with residual images skymodel: file Tigger skymodel file to locate on source residuals area_factor : float Factor to multiply the beam area. Returns ------- results : dict Dictionary of source residual properties from each residual image. """"Plotting ratios of source residuals and noise") # Dictinary to store results results = dict() # Get beam size otherwise use default (5``). beam_default = (0.00151582804885738, 0.00128031965017612, 20.0197348935424) for images in res_noise_images: # Get label res_label1 = images[0]['label'] # Get residual image names res_image1 = images[0]['path'] res_image2 = images[1]['path'] # Data structure for residuals compared results[res_label1] = [] # Get fits info fits_info = fitsInfo(res_image1) # Get beam size otherwise use default (~6``). beam_deg = fits_info['b_size'] if fits_info['b_size'] else beam_default # In case the images was not deconvloved aslo use default beam if beam_deg == (0.0, 0.0, 0.0): beam_deg = beam_default # Open residual images header res_hdu1 = res_hdu2 = # Get data from residual images res_data1 = res_hdu1[0].data res_data2 = res_hdu2[0].data # Load skymodel to get source positions model_lsm = Tigger.load(skymodel) # Get all sources in the model model_sources = model_lsm.sources # Data structure for each residuals to compare results[res_label1] = [] # Get the number of frequency channels nchan1 = (res_data1.shape[1] if res_data1.shape[0] == 1 else res_data1.shape[0]) nchan2 = (res_data2.shape[1] if res_data2.shape[0] == 1 else res_data2.shape[0]) for model_source in model_sources: # Get phase centre Ra and Dec coordinates RA0 = model_lsm.ra0 DEC0 = model_lsm.dec0 # Get source Ra and Dec coordinates ra = model_source.pos.ra dec = model_source.pos.dec # Convert to degrees RA = rad2deg(ra) DEC = rad2deg(dec) # Remove any wraps if ra > np.pi: ra -= 2.0*np.pi # Get distance from phase centre delta_phase_centre = angular_dist_pos_angle(RA0, DEC0, ra, dec) phase_dist_arcsec = rad2arcsec(delta_phase_centre[0]) # Get width of box around source width = int(deg2arcsec(beam_deg[0]) * area_factor) # Get a image slice around source imslice = get_box(fits_info["wcs"], (RA, DEC), width) # Get noise rms in the box around the point coordinate res1_area = res_data1[0, 0, :, :][imslice] res2_area = res_data1[0, 0, :, :][imslice] # Ignore empty arrays due to sources at the edge if not res1_area.size or not res2_area.size: continue res1_rms = res1_area.std() res2_rms = res2_area.std() # if image is cube then average along freq axis if nchan1 > 1: flux_rms1 = 0.0 for frq_ax in range(nchan1): # In case the first two axes are swapped if res_data1.shape[0] == 1: target_area1 = res_data1[0, frq_ax, :, :][imslice] else: target_area1 = res_data1[frq_ax, 0, :, :][imslice] # Sum of all the fluxes flux_rms1 += target_area1.std() # Get the average std and mean along all frequency channels res1_rms = flux_rms1/float(nchan1) if nchan2 > 1: flux_rms2 = 0.0 for frq_ax in range(nchan2): # In case the first two axes are swapped if res_data2.shape[0] == 1: target_area2 = res_data2[0, frq_ax, :, :][imslice] else: target_area2 = res_data2[frq_ax, 0, :, :][imslice] # Sum of all the fluxes flux_rms2 += target_area2.std() # Get the average std and mean along all frequency channels res2_rms = flux_rms2/float(nchan2) # Store all outputs in the results data structure results[res_label1].append([res1_rms * 1e0, res2_rms * 1e0, res2_rms / res1_rms * 1e0, phase_dist_arcsec,, model_source.flux.I]) return results
[docs]def plot_aimfast_stats(fidelity_results_file, units='micro', prefix=''): """Plot stats results if more that one residual images where assessed""" with open(fidelity_results_file) as f: data = json.load(f) res_stats = dict() dr_stats = dict() for par, val in data.items(): val_copy = val.copy() if '.fits' not in par and 'models' not in val and type(val) is not list: for p, v in val.items(): if type(v) is dict: dr_stats[p] = v val_copy.pop(p) res_stats[par] = val_copy res_stats[par]['NORM'] = res_stats[par]['NORM'][0] res_stats = dict(sorted(res_stats.items())) dr_stats = dict(sorted(dr_stats.items())) im_keys = [] rms_values = [] stddev_values = [] mad_values = [] max_values = [] skew_values = [] kurt_values = [] norm_values = [] for res_stat in res_stats: im_keys.append(res_stat.replace('-residual', '')) rms_values.append(res_stats[res_stat]['RMS']) stddev_values.append(res_stats[res_stat]['STDDev']) mad_values.append(res_stats[res_stat]['MAD']) max_values.append(res_stats[res_stat]['MAX']) skew_values.append(res_stats[res_stat]['SKEW']) kurt_values.append(res_stats[res_stat]['KURT']) norm_values.append(res_stats[res_stat]['NORM']) width = 400 height = 300 multiplier = FLUX_UNIT_SCALER[units][0] # Vriance plots variance_plotter = figure(x_range=im_keys, x_axis_label="Image", y_axis_label="Flux density (µJy)", plot_width=width, plot_height=height, title='Residual Variance') variance_plotter.line(im_keys, np.array(stddev_values)*multiplier, legend_label='std', color='blue') variance_plotter.line(im_keys, np.array(mad_values)*multiplier, legend_label='mad', color='red') variance_plotter.line(im_keys, np.array(max_values)*multiplier, legend_label='max', color='green') variance_plotter.title.align = 'center' # Moment 3 & 4 plots mom34_plotter = figure(x_range=im_keys, x_axis_label="Image", y_axis_label="Value", plot_width=width, plot_height=height, title='Skewness & Kurtosis') mom34_plotter.line(im_keys, skew_values, legend_label='Skewness', color='blue') mom34_plotter.line(im_keys, kurt_values, legend_label='kurtosis', color='red') mom34_plotter.title.align = 'center' # Normality test plot normalised = np.array(norm_values)/norm_values[0] norm_plotter = figure(x_range=im_keys, x_axis_label="Image", y_axis_label="Value", plot_width=width, plot_height=height, title='Normality Tests') norm_plotter.vbar(x=im_keys, top=normalised, width=0.9) #norm_plotter.y_range.start = 0 norm_plotter.title.align = 'center' # Dynamic Range plot dr_keys = [] dr_values = [] for dr_stat in dr_stats: dr_keys.append(dr_stat.replace('-model', '')) dr_values.append(dr_stats[dr_stat]['DR']) dr_plotter = figure(x_range=dr_keys, x_axis_label="Image", y_axis_label="Value", plot_width=width, plot_height=height, title='Dynamic Range') dr_plotter.vbar(x=dr_keys, top=dr_values, width=0.9) #dr_plotter.y_range.start = 0 dr_plotter.title.align = 'center' outfile = '{}-stats-plot.html'.format(prefix or 'aimfast') output_file(outfile) save(column(row(variance_plotter, mom34_plotter), row(norm_plotter, dr_plotter)), title=outfile)
[docs]def get_sf_params(configfile): import yaml with open(r'{}'.format(configfile)) as file: sf_parameters = yaml.load(file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) return sf_parameters
[docs]def source_finding(sf_params, sf=None): outfile = None aegean_sf = sf_params.pop('aegean') pybd_sf = sf_params.pop('pybdsf') enable_aegean = aegean_sf.pop('enable') enable_pybdsf = pybd_sf.pop('enable') if enable_pybdsf or sf in ['pybdsf']: filename = pybd_sf['filename']"Running pybdsf source finder on image: {filename}") outfile = bdsf(filename, pybd_sf, LOGGER) elif enable_aegean or sf in ['aegean']: filename = aegean_sf['filename']"Running aegean source finder on image: {filename}") outfile = aegean(filename, aegean_sf, LOGGER) else: LOGGER.warn(f"{WARNING}No source finder selected.{ENDC}") return outfile
[docs]def get_argparser(): """Get argument parser.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=("Examine radio image fidelity and source recovery by obtaining: \n" "- The four (4) moments of a residual image \n" "- The Dynamic range in restored image \n" "- Comparing the fits images by running source finder \n" "- Comparing the tigger models and online catalogs (NVSS, SUMSS) \n" "- Comparing the on source/random residuals to noise")) subparser = parser.add_subparsers(dest='subcommand') sf = subparser.add_parser('source-finder') sf.add_argument('-c', '--config', dest='config', help='Config file to run source finder of choice (YAML format)') sf.add_argument('-gc', '--generate-config', dest='generate', help='Genrate config file to run source finder of choice') argument = partial(parser.add_argument) argument('-v', "--version", action='version', version='{0:s} version {1:s}'.format(parser.prog, _version)) argument('-c', '--config', dest='config', help='Config file to run source finder of choice (YAML format)') argument('--tigger-model', dest='model', help='Name of the tigger model lsm.html file') argument('--restored-image', dest='restored', help='Name of the restored image fits file') argument('-psf', '--psf-image', dest='psf', help='Name of the point spread function file or psf size in arcsec') argument('--residual-image', dest='residual', help='Name of the residual image fits file') argument('--mask-image', dest='mask', help='Name of the mask image fits file') argument('--normality-test', dest='test_normality', choices=('shapiro', 'normaltest'), help='Name of model to use for normality testing. \n' 'options: [shapiro, normaltest] \n' 'NB: normaltest is the D`Agostino') argument('-dr', '--data-range', dest='data_range', help='Data range to perform normality testing') argument('-af', '--area-factor', dest='factor', type=float, default=2, help='Factor to multiply the beam area to get target peak area') argument('-fov', '--fov-factor', dest='fov_factor', type=float, default=0.9, help='Factor to multiply the field of view for rando points. i.e. 0.0-1.0') argument('-tol', '--tolerance', dest='tolerance', type=float, default=0.2, help='Tolerance to cross-match sources in arcsec') argument('-as', '--all-source', dest='all', default=False, action='store_true', help='Compare all sources irrespective of shape, otherwise only ' 'point-like sources are compared') argument('-closest', '--closest', dest='closest_only', default=False, action='store_true', help='Use the closest source only when cross matching sources') argument('--compare-models', dest='models', nargs=2, action='append', help='List of tigger model (text/lsm.html) files to compare \n' 'e.g. --compare-models model1.lsm.html model2.lsm.html') argument('--compare-images', dest='images', nargs=2, action='append', help='List of restored image (fits) files to compare. \n' 'Note that this will initially run a source finder. \n' 'e.g. --compare-images image1.fits image2.fits') argument('--compare-online', dest='online', nargs=1, action='append', help='List of catalog models (html/ascii, fits) restored image (fits)' ' files to compare with online catalog. \n' 'e.g. --compare-online') argument('--compare-residuals', dest='noise', nargs=2, action='append', help='List of noise-like (fits) files to compare \n' 'e.g. --compare-residuals residual1.fits residual2.fits') argument('-sf', '--source-finder', dest='sourcery', choices=('aegean', 'pybdsf'), default='pybdsf', help='Source finder to run if comparing restored images') argument('-dp', '--data-points', dest='points', help='Data points to sample the residual/noise image') argument('-thresh', '--threshold', dest='thresh', help='Get stats of channels with pixel flux above thresh in Jy/Beam') argument('-chans', '--channels', dest='channels', help='Get stats of specified channels e.g. "10~20;100~1000"') argument('-deci', '--decimals', dest='deci', default=2, help='Number of decimal places to round off results') argument('-fp', '--flux-plot', dest='fluxplot', default='log', choices=('log', 'snr', 'inout'), help='Type of plot for flux comparison of the two catalogs') argument("--label", help='Use this label instead of the FITS image path when saving ' 'data as JSON file') argument("--html-prefix", dest='htmlprefix', help='Prefix of output html files. Default: None.') argument("--online-catalog-name", dest='catalog_name', help='Prefix of output catalog file name') argument('-oc', '--online-catalog', dest='online_catalog', choices=('sumss', 'nvss'), default='nvss', help='Online catalog to compare local image/model.') argument('-fdr', '--fidelity-results', dest='json', help='aimfast fidelity results file (JSON format)') argument("--outfile", help='Name of output file name. Default: fidelity_results.json') return parser
[docs]def main(): """Main function.""""Welcome to AIMfast")"Version: {_version}") output_dict = dict() parser = get_argparser() args = parser.parse_args() DECIMALS = args.deci if args.subcommand: if args.config: source_finding(get_sf_params(args.config)) if args.generate: generate_default_config(args.generate) elif args.json: plot_aimfast_stats(args.json, prefix=args.htmlprefix) elif not args.residual and not args.restored and not args.model \ and not args.models and not args.noise and not args.images \ and not and not args.json: LOGGER.warn(f"{R}No arguments file(s) provided.{W}") LOGGER.warn(f"{R}Or 'aimfast -h' for arguments.{W}") if args.label: residual_label = "{0:s}-residual".format(args.label) restored_label = "{0:s}-restored".format(args.label) model_label = "{0:s}-model".format(args.label) else: residual_label = args.residual restored_label = args.restored model_label = args.model if args.model and not args.noise: if not args.residual: raise RuntimeError(f"{R}Please provide residual fits file{W}") if args.psf: if isinstance(args.psf, str): psf_size = measure_psf(args.psf) else: psf_size = int(args.psf) else: psf_size = 6 LOGGER.warning(f"{R}Please provide psf fits file or psf size.\n" "Otherwise a default beam size of six (~6``) asec " f"is used{W}") if args.factor: DR = model_dynamic_range(args.model, args.residual, psf_size, area_factor=args.factor) else: DR = model_dynamic_range(args.model, args.residual, psf_size) if args.test_normality in ['shapiro', 'normaltest']: stats = residual_image_stats(args.residual, args.test_normality, args.data_range, args.thresh, args.channels, args.mask) else: if not args.test_normality: stats = residual_image_stats(args.residual, args.test_normality, args.data_range, args.thresh, args.channels, args.mask) else: LOGGER.error(f"{R}Please provide correct normality model{W}") stats.update({model_label: { 'DR' : DR["global_rms"], 'DR_deepest_negative' : DR["deepest_negative"], 'DR_global_rms' : DR['global_rms'], 'DR_local_rms' : DR['local_rms']}}) output_dict[residual_label] = stats elif args.residual: if args.residual not in output_dict.keys(): if args.test_normality in ['shapiro', 'normaltest']: stats = residual_image_stats(args.residual, args.test_normality, args.data_range, args.thresh, args.channels, args.mask) else: if not args.test_normality: stats = residual_image_stats(args.residual, args.test_normality, args.data_range, args.thresh, args.channels, args.mask) else: LOGGER.error(f"{R}Please provide correct normality model{W}") output_dict[residual_label] = stats if args.restored and args.residual: if args.factor: DR = image_dynamic_range(args.restored, args.residual, area_factor=args.factor) else: DR = image_dynamic_range(args.restored, args.residual) output_dict[restored_label] = { 'DR' : DR["global_rms"], 'DR_deepest_negative' : DR["deepest_negative"], 'DR_global_rms' : DR['global_rms'], 'DR_local_rms' : DR['local_rms']} if args.models: models = args.models"Number of model pair(s) to compare: {len(models)}") if len(models) < 1: LOGGER.error(f"{R}Can only compare two models at a time.{W}") else: models_list = [] for i, comp_mod in enumerate(models): model1, model2 = comp_mod[0], comp_mod[1] models_list.append( [dict(label="{}-model_a_{}".format(args.label, i), path=model1), dict(label="{}-model_b_{}".format(args.label, i), path=model2)], ) output_dict = compare_models(models_list, tolerance=args.tolerance, all_sources=args.all, closest_only=args.closest_only, prefix=args.htmlprefix, flux_plot=args.fluxplot) if args.noise: residuals = args.noise"Number of residual pairs to compare: {len(residuals)}") if len(residuals) < 1: LOGGER.error(f"{R}Can only compare atleast one residual pair.{W}") else: residuals_list = [] for i, comp_res in enumerate(residuals): res1, res2 = comp_res[0], comp_res[1] residuals_list.append( [dict(label="{}-res_a_{}".format(args.label, i), path=res1), dict(label="{}-res_b_{}".format(args.label, i), path=res2)], ) if args.model: output_dict = compare_residuals(residuals_list, args.model, area_factor=args.factor, prefix=args.htmlprefix) else: output_dict = compare_residuals( residuals_list, area_factor=args.factor, fov_factor=args.fov_factor, prefix=args.htmlprefix, points=int(args.points) if args.points else 100) if args.images: configfile = args.config if not configfile: configfile = 'default_sf_config.yml' generate_default_config(configfile) images = args.images sourcery = args.sourcery images_list = [] for i, comp_ims in enumerate(images): image1, image2 = comp_ims[0], comp_ims[1] sf_params1 = get_sf_params(configfile) sf_params1[sourcery]['filename'] = image1 out1 = source_finding(sf_params1, sourcery) sf_params2 = get_sf_params(configfile) sf_params2[sourcery]['filename'] = image2 out2 = source_finding(sf_params2, sourcery) images_list.append( [dict(label="{}-model_a_{}".format(args.label, i), path=out1), dict(label="{}-model_b_{}".format(args.label, i), path=out2)]) output_dict = compare_models(images_list, tolerance=args.tolerance, all_sources=args.all, closest_only=args.closest_only, prefix=args.htmlprefix, flux_plot=args.fluxplot) if configfile = 'default_sf_config.yml' generate_default_config(configfile) models = sourcery = args.sourcery catalog_prefix = args.catalog_name or 'default' online_catalog = args.online_catalog catalog_name = f"{catalog_prefix}_{online_catalog}_catalog_table.txt" images_list = [] get_online_catalog(catalog=online_catalog.upper(), width='1.0d', thresh=1.0, catalog_table=catalog_name) for i, ims in enumerate(models): image1 = ims[0] if '.fits' in image1: sf_params1 = get_sf_params(configfile) sf_params1[sourcery]['filename'] = image1 out1 = source_finding(sf_params1, sourcery) image1 = out1 images_list.append( [dict(label="{}-model_a_{}".format(args.label, i), path=image1), dict(label="{}-model_b_{}".format(args.label, i), path=catalog_name)]) output_dict = compare_models(images_list, tolerance=args.tolerance, all_sources=args.all, closest_only=args.closest_only, prefix=args.htmlprefix, flux_plot=args.fluxplot) if output_dict: if args.outfile: json_dump(output_dict, filename=args.outfile) else: json_dump(output_dict)